Ohio Education Job Board Media Kit

State Partner Media Kit

Spread the word to your members! Explore the state partner media kit below. Designed for the Management Council’s partner entities, these materials will help connect your members with future candidates in K-12 education.


Share this flyer with your members so they know where to start looking for top tier candidates in K-12 education.

Social Media Posts

Post these social media messages in the channels that work best for you. 

Email Blasts

Send this email blast to share information about the Ohio Education Job Board with your members. 

News Article

Publish this news blurb in your news outlets. 

Collegiate Media Kit

Help spread the word to college students across Ohio! Check out the collegiate media kit below. Created for colleges and universities to share with their students, these materials will help connect your students to their future careers in K-12 education.


Share this flyer with students so they know where to start looking for a career in K-12 education.

Social Media Posts

Post these social media messages in the channels that work best for you. 

Email Blasts

Send these email blasts to share information about the Ohio Education Job Board with your students. 

News Article

Publish this news blurb in your school’s news outlets. 

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