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The Southwest Ohio Computer Association (SWOCA) is proud to announce that they are celebrating their 30th anniversary of business this week in serving local public school districts, private schools, educational service centers, and municipalities. Located in Hamilton behind the campus of Butler Tech, SWOCA is one of 18 governmental computer service organizations serving more than...
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Columbus, OHIO – As part of its RemotEDx initiative – an initiative that brings together remote, hybrid and blended learning partners from across the state to help schools and districts enhance, expand and more effectively scale high-quality remote, hybrid and blended education delivery models – the Ohio Department of Education recently awarded subgrants to nonprofit and community-based organizations...
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For over 25 years, INFOhio, optimized by the Management Council, has licensed quality digital content for Ohio through various funding sources, including state and federal funds. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the necessity for instructional materials to support remote, hybrid, and blended learning to the forefront of education. The RemotEDx Exchange, powered by INFOhio, features...
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