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View Public Notices, News and Updates from the Management Council
The ITC Conference Committee thanks those who have already submitted presentation proposals for the OECN United Conference! If you haven’t submitted your proposal yet, there’s still time—the presentation proposal deadline has been extended to January 20, 2023. You have expertise to share and OECN United is a fantastic place to share it. As the conference...
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The Management Council and ITC Conference Committee are excited to announce the first annual conference for ITCs, by ITCs — OECN United Conference: Creating Bonds, Building Knowledge. The goal of the conference is to provide opportunities for learning, networking, and bonding for ITC team members in all areas of operation. This inaugural conference will be...
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Hosted by the Management Council and facilitated by the Center for Creative Leadership, Management Council members are invited to participate in an executive leadership professional learning event on December 7-8, 2022. Participants will include several individuals who currently serve on the Management Council Board of Trustees. Their common attendance might technically qualify as a public...
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